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TM 5-9206
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Edition: 1944
Pages: 149
Type of documentation: Maintenance Manual
Trailer, Full, Low Bed, 16-ton, Rogers, Model H-16-L-C
The data compiled herein describes a Low Bed Machinery Trailer, manufactured by Rogers Brothers Corporation, Albion, Pennsylvania, built for transporting heavy mobile units of machinery, especially crawler type. The trailer is designed to be drawn by a heavy duty prime mover and is equipped with suitable loading ramps to facilitate the loading and unloading of the various machines to be hauled. The vehicle is a complete unit within itself. This feature classifies it as a full trailer in contrast with a semi-trailer which mounts directly upon a truck tractor or prime mover.
This manual Consisting of an "Operator's Section.- a "Repair Section," and a "Sparc Parts Catalog- has been prepared for the purpose of instructing the driver and his helpers in the proper use, operation and maintenance of the vehicle as well as to aid him in requisitioning repair parts
This product was added to our catalog on Friday 13 June, 2008.