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TM 9-1813 10.00EUR

Language: Scan quality:
Edition: 1945 pages: 236
Type of documentation: Ordnance Maintenance

6-Ton, 6x6, truck (White, Corbitt, Brockway and Ward LaFrance) Power train, Chassis and Winches

This manual contains a description of, and procedure for, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair, and assembly of subassemblies for the clutch, transmission, transfer case, propeller shafts, propeller shah brake, front axle, steering gear, rear axle, springs, winch, and service brakes of the 6-ton 6 x 6 White, Brockway, Ward La France, and Corbitt trucks.

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 01 November, 2010.