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TM 10-1546 10.00EUR

Language: Scan quality:
Edition: 1942 pages: 269
Type of documentation: Service Parts Catalog

Truck, 5-Ton, 4x2 Mack Models EH, EHU, EHT, EHUT; Parts list

Parts are listed in the Functional Group arrangement recommended by the Quartermaster General's Office. The first two digits assigned to each Group refer to theĀ· Main Group. The last two digits cover the SubGroup and include all the parts related to the Main Group. For exemple, the Engine Group is indicated as 01, the Clutch Group as 02, etc.: SubGroups such as Engine Assembly as 0100, Cylinder Block and Head as 0101, Clutch Assembly as 0200. Clutch Disc as 0201, etc.
On Page No. 6 will be found an index covering all Code Numbers for both Main and Sub-Groups.
Exploded Photographs and illustrations of the various assemblies, sub-assemblies and units are furnished.

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This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 05 April, 2014.