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SNL G-655 * X-142063
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Edition: 1943
pages: 1250
Type of documentation: Ordnance Supply Catalog
GMC Truck Master Parts List - 1940, 41, 42 and 43 - 4x2 4x4 6x4 6x6
Here is very very rare manual "G655 GMC Master Parts List"!
More than 1200 pages of perfect scan. Edition November 1943, it include all product for US Army from 1940 to 1943.
Vehicule identification, models, contracts, all is detailled.
Now available !!!
This manual uses the Adobe OCR indexing for all of his text, that is to say that you can use the 'Find' fonction To locate a word, Or other reference in this document.
This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 21 April, 2022.