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TM 11-487
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Edition: 1944
Pages: 531
Type of documentation: Technical Manual
Electrical Communication Systems Equipment
This manual provides descriptive matter and data on the electrical and physical characteristics of communication systems equipment, together with Signal Corps stock numbers and logistical data, which will be of value in planning complete communication systems.
The material contained herein is intended for use primarily by staff signal officers and communication organizations under their technical control.
The manual is divided into 14 chapters as follows:
1. Purpose and Scope
2. Illustrative Problems
3. Telephone Station Equipment
4. Telephone Centrals
5. Portable AWS Information Centers
G. Wire and Cable and Construction Information
7. European and United States Cables and Loading Systems
8. Electrical Protootive Equipment
9. Telephone Line Transmission Equipment
10. Telegraph Equipment
11, Facsimile Equipment
12. Power Equipment
13, Maintenance Supplies
14. Radio Equipment
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